Bot Caroline buys Japanese comic books online, and the total cost is 7990 yen. The exchange rate is 1 yen to 0.0095 U.S. dollars. What is the total cost of the comic books, in U.S. dollars, rounded to the nearest cent?

The total cost of the comic books in U.S. dollars is 7990 yen * 0.0095 dollars/yen = 75.955 dollars.

Rounded to the nearest cent, the total cost of the comic books is 75.96 dollars. Answer: \boxed{75.96}.

To find the total cost of the comic books in U.S. dollars, we need to multiply the total cost in yen by the exchange rate.

Total cost in yen: 7990 yen
Exchange rate: 1 yen to 0.0095 U.S. dollars

Total cost in U.S. dollars = 7990 yen * 0.0095 U.S. dollars/1 yen

Calculating the product:
Total cost in U.S. dollars = 75.905 U.S. dollars

Rounding to the nearest cent, the total cost of the comic books in U.S. dollars is approximately $75.91.