The main, or central, idea of the passage is William Kamkwamba managed to build windmills from scrap materials and generate power for his family. How does the detail in bold develop the main idea?

When Malawi, an agricultural country in southern Africa long troubled by poverty, was struck by severe famine in 2002, a widespread lack of electricity and running water hampered its recovery. To lessen his own family's struggles, teenager William Kamkwamba decided to build a windmill to generate power. Others doubted the viability of his idea; Kamkwamba didn't have the finances to buy the proper supplies for such a project. However, Kamkwamba persevered. His first windmill, completed when he was just fourteen, was largely built out of scrap materials—including an old bicycle frame and a tractor fan—and generated enough power for only one light bulb. Kamkwamba then built a stronger windmill, which powered four bulbs. He went on to build several more windmills, including one for pumping water, allowing his family to use electrical appliances and to irrigate their crops. Kamkwamba's success garnered international attention and inspired similar projects.

The detail in bold develops the main idea by providing specific evidence of how William Kamkwamba managed to build windmills from scrap materials and generate power for his family. It shows that despite not having the proper supplies or financial resources, Kamkwamba was able to use his resourcefulness and perseverance to create a functioning windmill using materials that were readily available to him. This detail highlights his determination and ingenuity in finding a solution to his family's struggles with electricity.

The detail in bold develops the main idea by providing specific information about William Kamkwamba's resourcefulness and determination in building the windmills. It highlights the fact that he didn't have the financial means to buy proper supplies, but he didn't let that stop him. Instead, he used scrap materials such as an old bicycle frame and a tractor fan to build his first windmill. This detail shows the reader that Kamkwamba's ability to improvise and make do with what he had played a crucial role in his success in generating power for his family.