Multiple Choice

Which of the following cannot be copyrighted?
(1 point)






an idea that you came up with

the website user

Which of the following does not qualify as intellectual property?

(1 point)

a poem that you write
a poem that you write

a photo that you create
a photo that you create

a story that you wrote based on a book you read
a story that you wrote based on a book you read

an idea that you came up with

Social networking websites put the responsibility for intellectual property on whom?

(1 point)

the website host
the website host

the website user
the website user

the Internet provider
the Internet provider

the website creator

Inventions cannot be copyrighted.

The answer is (2) inventions. Inventions cannot be copyrighted because they are protected by patents, not copyrights. To find the answer to this question, you can start by understanding what copyright is and what it protects. Copyright is a form of legal protection given to original works of authorship, such as books, videos, and music. It grants exclusive rights to the creator or owner of the work, including the rights to reproduce, distribute, and perform the work. However, inventions fall under a different type of protection known as patents. Patents protect new and useful inventions and grant the inventor exclusive rights to make, use, and sell the invention for a limited period of time.