Writing Explanatory Text Outline Template

Directions: To successfully complete this outline, delete the underlines and fill in those areas with the information for the topic you chose.
(Must choose one of these topics- Marine Habitats, Ocean Pollution, Invasive Ocean Species, or Inland Seas): ____________________

“Hook” (one-two sentences where you excite the reader to make them want to keep reading): ____________________________________________________________________________________

Thesis statement/Main idea (one sentence where you tell the reader the main idea/topic of your paper):
Overview and transition into first body paragraph (explain what will be covered in your body paragraphs, and transition into the first body paragraph):

Body Paragraph #1

Heading (Title of the Paragraph): _____________________________________________

A. First major point (topic sentence): __________________________________________

Supporting detail idea 1: ____________________________________________

Supporting detail idea 2: ____________________________________________

Supporting detail idea 3: ____________________________________________

Transition to next paragraph: ____________________________________________

Body Paragraph #2

Heading (Title of the Paragraph): _____________________________________________

B. Second major point (topic sentence): __________________________________________

Supporting detail idea 1: ____________________________________________

Supporting detail idea 2: ____________________________________________

Supporting detail idea 3: ____________________________________________

Transition to next paragraph: ____________________________________________

Body Paragraph #3 (Optional- Delete this Section if Not Using)

Heading (Title of the Paragraph): _____________________________________________

C. Third major point (topic sentence): __________________________________________

Supporting detail idea 1: ____________________________________________

Supporting detail idea 2: ____________________________________________

Supporting detail idea 3: ____________________________________________

Transition to next paragraph: ____________________________________________


Reworded thesis/main idea (one or two sentences- reword your thesis statement/main idea from your introduction):_________________________________________________________________

Summary of main points (two or more sentences that restate what you discussed in your body paragraphs): __________________________________________________________________________________

Closing statement (one sentence that wraps up your paper) : ________________________________________________________________________

Topic: Ocean Pollution

“Hook”: Did you know that our oceans are facing a major crisis of pollution that threatens marine life and ecosystems?
Thesis statement/Main idea: Ocean pollution is a pressing environmental issue that has detrimental effects on marine habitats and species.

Overview and transition into first body paragraph: In this paper, we will explore the causes and consequences of ocean pollution, as well as potential solutions to mitigate its harmful effects.

Body Paragraph #1

Heading: Causes of Ocean Pollution

A. First major point (topic sentence): Industrial and agricultural activities contribute to ocean pollution.

Supporting detail idea 1: Industrial waste and chemicals from factories are often discharged into rivers and eventually make their way to the oceans.

Supporting detail idea 2: Runoff from agricultural fields containing pesticides and fertilizers enters water bodies and contaminates marine habitats.

Supporting detail idea 3: Oil spills from shipping accidents and offshore drilling also pollute the oceans.

Transition to next paragraph: These human activities play a significant role in polluting our oceans, but there are other sources as well.

Body Paragraph #2

Heading: Consequences of Ocean Pollution

B. Second major point (topic sentence): Ocean pollution poses threats to marine habitats and species.

Supporting detail idea 1: Polluted water leads to the depletion of oxygen levels, creating dead zones where marine life cannot survive.

Supporting detail idea 2: Plastic waste in the oceans harms marine animals through ingestion and entanglement.

Supporting detail idea 3: Toxic chemicals in the water accumulate in the tissues of marine organisms, leading to bioaccumulation and potential harm to human health.

Transition to next paragraph: The negative impacts of ocean pollution are far-reaching and require immediate attention to preserve our marine ecosystems.


Reworded thesis/main idea: It is crucial to address ocean pollution as it threatens the health of marine habitats and species.

Summary of main points: Industrial and agricultural activities contribute to ocean pollution, which in turn leads to depleted oxygen levels, harm to marine animals, and the accumulation of toxic chemicals in marine organisms.

Closing statement: By adopting sustainable practices, increasing public awareness, and implementing stricter regulations, we can work towards reducing ocean pollution and preserving the health of our oceans for future generations.

You're welcome! I'm glad I could help. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Good luck with your writing!

omg thank you so much

Topic: Marine Habitats

“Hook”: Explore the diverse and intricate world beneath the ocean's surface, where marine habitats teem with life and mystery.

Thesis statement/Main idea: This paper aims to provide an overview of marine habitats, highlighting their importance, diversity, and threats they face.

Overview and transition into first body paragraph: In the following paragraphs, we will delve into the different types of marine habitats and the unique ecosystems they support.

Body Paragraph #1
Heading: Coastal Wetlands

A. First major point: Coastal wetlands are crucial marine habitats.

Supporting detail idea 1: Coastal wetlands act as buffers against storm surges and provide protection for coastal communities.

Supporting detail idea 2: These habitats provide critical nurseries for various marine species, contributing to overall biodiversity.

Supporting detail idea 3: Coastal wetlands filter pollutants and improve water quality, benefiting both marine life and human populations.

Transition to next paragraph: Moving beyond the coast, let's explore the wonders of coral reefs.

Body Paragraph #2
Heading: Coral Reefs

B. Second major point: Coral reefs are vibrant and diverse marine habitats.

Supporting detail idea 1: Coral reefs support a plethora of marine species, making them some of the most biodiverse ecosystems on the planet.

Supporting detail idea 2: These habitats provide coastal protection by absorbing wave energy and reducing erosion.

Supporting detail idea 3: Coral reefs are particularly vulnerable to climate change and human activities, emphasizing the need for conservation efforts.

Transition to next paragraph: Lastly, we will discuss the vast expanses of the open ocean.


Reworded thesis/main idea: This paper has explored the significance of marine habitats, focusing on coastal wetlands, coral reefs, and the open ocean.

Summary of main points: Coastal wetlands act as crucial buffers, nurseries, and filters, while coral reefs support high biodiversity and provide coastal protection. The open ocean, although vast, is susceptible to anthropogenic threats.

Closing statement: It is imperative that we recognize the importance of preserving marine habitats to ensure the continued diversity and health of our oceans.