Article 1 informs readers about the benefits of hand washing, and Article 2 persuades readers to wash their hands more. Given this information, which method of writing is different between the two articles?

a. topic
b. purpose for writing
c. text organization

a. topic

what is text organization

a. The reason an author is writing.
b. The attitude of a writer toward a subject or an audience
c. The method an author used to present information in writing
d. The style in which an author is writing.

how eoes text organization help an author achieve the desired purpose

a. The text structure allows an author to have a specific point of view.
b. The text structure allows an author to avoid conveying a certain tone in the writing.
c. The text structure allows an author to present information in a way that supports an argument.
d. The text structure allows an author to explain information in a formal way.

c. The method an author used to present information in writing

Text organization helps an author achieve the desired purpose by allowing them to present information in a way that supports their argument or message. It helps to structure the content in a logical and organized manner, making it easier for readers to understand and follow the author's main points.

how eoes text organization help an author achieve the desired purpose

a. The text structure allows an author to have a specific point of view.
b. The text structure allows an author to avoid conveying a certain tone in the writing.
c. The text structure allows an author to present information in a way that supports an argument.
d. The text structure allows an author to explain information in a formal way.

c. The text structure allows an author to present information in a way that supports an argument.

Text organization helps an author achieve their desired purpose by structuring the information in a way that supports their argument or message. It allows for the presentation of evidence, examples, and supporting details in a clear and organized manner, making the author's point of view more convincing and persuasive to the reader. By arranging the information effectively, the author can effectively build their case and provide a strong rationale for their intended purpose.

The method of writing that is different between the two articles is the b. purpose for writing.

In Article 1, the purpose is to inform readers about the benefits of hand washing. This suggests that the article will provide objective information and factual details about the topic.

In Article 2, the purpose is to persuade readers to wash their hands more. This indicates that the article will use persuasive techniques such as appeals to emotions or logic in order to convince the readers to change their behavior.

Therefore, the purpose for writing is the aspect that distinguishes the two articles.

To determine which method of writing is different between the two articles, let's consider the characteristics that are mentioned: topic, purpose for writing, text organization, and tone.

a. Topic: Both articles discuss the benefits of hand washing, so the topic remains the same.

b. Purpose for writing: Article 1 informs readers about the benefits of hand washing, while Article 2 persuades readers to wash their hands more. The purpose for writing is different between the two articles.

c. Text organization: Without specific information about how the articles are organized, we cannot determine if this element is different or not.

d. Tone: The tone refers to the author's attitude or approach towards the subject matter. Without any specific details about the tone of the articles, we cannot determine if this element is different or not.

Therefore, based on the information given, the correct answer would be b. purpose for writing. Article 1 aims to inform readers, while Article 2 intends to persuade readers to wash their hands more.