Which irrational number is between the square root 14 and the square root of 18

The square root of 16 is 4, which is between the square root of 14 and the square root of 18. Since the square root of 16 is a rational number, any irrational number between the square root of 14 and the square root of 18 is a decimal number between approximately 3.74166 and 4.24264.

To find an irrational number between the square roots of 14 and 18, we can look for a decimal approximation. First, let's find the approximate values of the square roots:

√14 ≈ 3.74
√18 ≈ 4.24

Now, we need to find an irrational number between these two values. One such number is √15, which lies between √14 and √18:

√15 ≈ 3.87

Therefore, √15 is an irrational number that lies between the square roots of 14 and 18.