The amount of natural juice in one brand of apple juice is 0.09. What is the percentage of natural juice?(1 point)

The percentage of natural juice in the apple juice is 9%.

Convert 18/200 to a percentage.(1 point)

To convert 18/200 to a percentage, you divide 18 by 200 and multiply the result by 100.

(18/200) * 100 = 9%

Therefore, 18/200 equals 9% as a percentage.

What is 60% written as a fraction? Be sure to reduce the fraction if necessary.(1 point

To write 60% as a fraction, we divide the percentage by 100 and simplify the fraction if possible.

60/100 simplifies to 3/5.

Therefore, 60% is equivalent to the fraction 3/5.

What is 22.5% written as a decimal?(1 point)

To write 22.5% as a decimal, you divide the percentage by 100.

22.5% as a decimal is 0.225.