Recall what you know about hypertonic, hypotonic, and isotonic solutions. When an environment is hypotonic, what happens to the cell?(1 point)


The environment has more solute, so solvent moves from inside the cell to outside, causing the cell to shrink.
The environment has more solute, so solvent moves from inside the cell to outside, causing the cell to shrink.
The cell has more solute, so solvent moves from inside the cell to outside, causing the cell to shrink.
The cell has more solute, so solvent moves from inside the cell to outside, causing the cell to shrink.
The environment has more solute, so solvent moves from outside the cell to inside, causing the cell to swell.
The environment has more solute, so solvent moves from outside the cell to inside, causing the cell to swell.
The cell has more solute, so solvent moves from outside the cell to inside, causing the cell to swell.

The correct response is: hypertonic environment. Saltwater fish are adapted to living in a hypertonic (high solute) environment such as the ocean, where the concentration of solutes is higher outside their bodies.

The correct response is: nucleus. The genetic material of eukaryotic cells is stored inside the nucleus.

The correct response is: decodes the sequence of bases on the mRNA and then creates specific proteins. Ribosomes in eukaryotic cells are responsible for protein synthesis by decoding the sequence of bases on mRNA and using it as a template to assemble amino acids into proteins.

The correct response is: they store water. The central vacuole of a plant cell is primarily responsible for storing water, as well as various nutrients, ions, and waste products.

The correct response is: nerve cells. Nerve cells, or neurons, generally have a high concentration of mitochondria. This is because neurons require large amounts of energy to carry out their functions, such as transmitting electrical impulses throughout the body. Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell and produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is the energy currency of the cell.

The correct response is: Golgi apparatus. The Golgi apparatus is responsible for packing proteins and other materials into vesicles. It modifies, sorts, and packages molecules, such as proteins and lipids, into vesicles for transport to their appropriate destinations within or outside the cell.

The correct response is: receiving and processing stimuli from the body. The nervous system is responsible for receiving and processing stimuli from the body and the environment. It allows for the transmission of signals and communication between different parts of the body, enabling appropriate responses and coordination of bodily functions.

The correct response is: connect the mouth with the stomach. The esophagus is a muscular tube that connects the mouth with the stomach. It allows for the passage of food and liquids from the mouth to the stomach for digestion and further processing. The primary function of the esophagus is to facilitate the transport of food during the swallowing process.

The correct response is: The environment has more solute, so solvent moves from outside the cell to inside, causing the cell to swell.

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