What is one of the most important reasons why Trauma Informed care is important to de-escalation

A-To help maintain rapport among staff before a crisis situation
B-To ensure compliance with state guidelines
C-To ensure that further harm is not caused during an intervention
D-It helps remind staff that use of physical intervention always causes trauma

C-To ensure that further harm is not caused during an intervention

C- To ensure that further harm is not caused during an intervention.

Trauma-informed care is important to de-escalation because it recognizes the potential impact of trauma on individuals and emphasizes the importance of providing care in a sensitive and understanding manner. When dealing with individuals who may have experienced trauma, it is crucial to approach them in a way that minimizes retraumatization and fosters a sense of safety and trust. By implementing trauma-informed care, interventions can be conducted in a manner that reduces the risk of additional harm and promotes healing.