Describe the best place to put your long-term goals1. Because I have a good memory my mind is the best place for my goals so no one is will know what they are.2. Since I lose things all the time, I will write them down and give them to my mother to put them away in a safe place.3. Because I am in front of my bathroom mirror at least once a day I will tape them to my mirrors as a constant reminder of what I want to accomplish4. Although I am only there every other weekend I put my list of goals on the dresser at my cousins house since he’s going to help me with them

5. I will create a vision board and display it prominently in my living room, where I spend most of my time.

6. I will keep a digital copy of my long-term goals on my phone or computer, so I can easily access and review them whenever needed.
7. I will create a dedicated journal or notebook specifically for recording and tracking my long-term goals and achievements.
8. I will share my long-term goals with a trusted friend or mentor who can offer support and hold me accountable.
9. I will create a private and secure folder or document in cloud storage where I can store my long-term goals, ensuring they are easily retrievable and protected.
10. I will incorporate my long-term goals into my daily routine and schedule, ensuring that I allocate specific time and effort towards working on them consistently.

The best place to put your long-term goals depends on your personal preferences and habits. Here are four potential options to consider:

1. In your mind: If you have a good memory and prefer to keep your goals private, your mind might be the best place to hold them. This way, no one else will know what they are unless you choose to share them.

2. In a safe place: If you tend to lose things, it would be wise to write down your goals and keep them in a safe place. One option could be giving them to a trusted person, like your mother, who can store them securely.

3. On your mirrors: If you want a constant reminder of your long-term goals, taping them to your bathroom mirrors can be an effective strategy. Since you come in front of the mirror daily, seeing your goals will help keep them at the forefront of your mind.

4. At your cousin's house: If your cousin plays a significant role in helping you achieve your goals, placing your list of goals at their house can serve as a physical reminder when you visit. This can help maintain focus and ensure you discuss your progress regularly with your cousin.

Consider which option aligns best with your habits, lifestyle, and the level of privacy or visibility you desire for your goals. Ultimately, choose a place that will keep your goals accessible and serve as a reminder of what you want to accomplish in the long term.