Personal Fitness Profile

Complete a Personal Fitness Profile to determine your present level of fitness. Follow the instructions
in the lesson to perform each test and record your results.
Resting Heart Rate: beats per minute
Sit and Reach Test: centimeters
Trunk Extension Test: inches from the floor to your chin
Shoulder Lift Test: inches from the floor to the stick
1-mile Jog or Walk Test: 60-second pulse:
Bent Knee Sit-up Test: sit-ups in one-minute
Push-up Test: push-ups in one-minute
Use this profile to identify your personal fitness strengths and weaknesses. These results should shape
any exercise program you choose to develop. In the space below, reflect on your Personal Fitness

Profile results and identify any strengths and weaknesses that you have discovered.

Personal Fitness Profile Results:
- Resting Heart Rate: __________ beats per minute
- Sit and Reach Test: __________ centimeters
- Trunk Extension Test: __________ inches from the floor to your chin
- Shoulder Lift Test: __________ inches from the floor to the stick
- 1-mile Jog or Walk Test: 60-second pulse: __________
- Bent Knee Sit-up Test: __________ sit-ups in one minute
- Push-up Test: __________ push-ups in one minute

Based on my Personal Fitness Profile results, my strengths include (list any areas where you performed well and exceeded your expectations):

- Resting heart rate: My resting heart rate is within a healthy range, indicating good cardiovascular fitness.
- Sit and Reach Test: I have good flexibility in my lower body, as evidenced by a high centimeter score.
- Push-up Test: I was able to perform a high number of push-ups in one minute, indicating good upper body strength.

Based on my Personal Fitness Profile results, my weaknesses include (list any areas where you performed below your expectations or need improvement):

- Trunk Extension Test: I have poor flexibility in my upper body, as indicated by a low inch score in the trunk extension test.
- Shoulder Lift Test: I have weak shoulder strength, as evidenced by a low inch score in the shoulder lift test.
- 1-mile Jog or Walk Test: I have a high 60-second pulse after the 1-mile jog or walk test, indicating that my cardiovascular endurance needs improvement.
- Bent Knee Sit-up Test: I was only able to complete a low number of sit-ups in one minute, suggesting that my core strength needs improvement.

Based on these results, I will focus on improving my upper body flexibility, shoulder strength, cardiovascular endurance, and core strength in my exercise program. I will incorporate specific exercises and workouts targeting these areas to address my weaknesses and further enhance my strengths.


- Resting Heart Rate: __________ beats per minute
- Sit and Reach Test: __________ centimeters
- Trunk Extension Test: __________ inches from the floor to your chin
- Shoulder Lift Test: __________ inches from the floor to the stick
- 1-mile Jog or Walk Test: _________ 60-second pulse
- Bent Knee Sit-up Test: __________ sit-ups in one minute
- Push-up Test: __________ push-ups in one minute

Reflection on Personal Fitness Results:
Based on the results of these fitness tests, I can identify my strengths and weaknesses.

- Resting Heart Rate: This will help me gauge my cardiovascular fitness. A lower resting heart rate indicates better cardiovascular health.
- Sit and Reach Test: This measures my flexibility, and a higher number indicates better flexibility in the lower back and hamstrings.
- Trunk Extension Test: This test assesses my back strength and flexibility. The higher the measurement, the better my back function.
- Shoulder Lift Test: This measures my shoulder strength and flexibility. A higher measurement indicates better strength and mobility in the shoulders.
- 1-mile Jog or Walk Test: This test helps evaluate my cardiovascular endurance. The lower the pulse rate after the test, the better my endurance.
- Bent Knee Sit-up Test: This assesses my abdominal strength and endurance. The more sit-ups I can do in one minute, the stronger my core.
- Push-up Test: This evaluates my upper body strength and endurance. The more push-ups I can do in one minute, the stronger my chest, arms, and shoulders.

Using this profile, I can identify areas where I need improvement and focus my exercise program accordingly. For example, if my sit and reach test result is low, I can incorporate more stretching exercises into my routine to improve flexibility. If my push-up test result is low, I can work on strength training exercises to build upper body strength. By addressing these weaknesses and capitalizing on my strengths, I can develop a well-rounded fitness program that targets all areas of fitness.