“We have as yet no certaine proofe or experience concerning the vertues of... Corne, although the... Indians...are constrained to make a virtue of necessitie, and think it a good food: whereas we may easily judge that it nourisheth but little, and is of a hard... digestion, a more convenient food for swine than for men.”

John Gerard, English botanist, The Herball or Generall Historie of Plantes, 1597

The development that brought "corne" to the attention of botanists such as Gerard is best known as the

Columbian Exchange

Columbian Exchange

encomienda system

encomienda system

trans-Atlantic slave trade

trans-Atlantic slave trade


The correct answer is Columbian Exchange. The Columbian Exchange refers to the transfer of plants, animals, diseases, and ideas between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres following Christopher Columbus' voyages in the late 15th century. During this time, Europeans became exposed to new foods and plants from the Americas, including "corne" (corn), which had not been previously known to them. This led to increased interest and study of these new plants by botanists like John Gerard.

The development that brought "corne" to the attention of botanists such as Gerard is best known as the Columbian Exchange.