
Which of the following was one of the influences of the Roman Republic in the framing of the Constitution?
(1 point)

a centralized government that provides for more order

elected representatives who are the voice of the people

a judicial system that is controlled by the people

a democratic government run by the people

elected representatives who are the voice of the people


Which of the following was one of the influences of the Roman Republic in the framing of the Constitution?

(1 point)

a centralized government that provides for more order
a centralized government that provides for more order

elected representatives who are the voice of the people
elected representatives who are the voice of the people

a judicial system that is controlled by the people
a judicial system that is controlled by the people

a democratic government run by the people

One of the influences of the Roman Republic in the framing of the Constitution was elected representatives who are the voice of the people.

To determine which of the statements was influenced by the Roman Republic in the framing of the Constitution, we need to consider the characteristics of the Roman Republic and compare them with the options provided.

The Roman Republic, which existed from 509 BCE to 27 BCE, was known for its system of government and legal institutions. It had a Senate, Consuls, and Tribunes, among other offices and institutions.

Option (a), a centralized government that provides for more order, is not directly influenced by the Roman Republic. The Roman Republic, contrary to a centralized government, had a system of checks and balances to distribute power among different offices and branches.

Option (b), elected representatives who are the voice of the people, is a characteristic influenced by the Roman Republic. In the Roman Republic, citizens elected officials such as Consuls, Tribunes, and Senators, who would represent their interests and voices.

Option (c), a judicial system that is controlled by the people, does not directly align with the Roman Republic. While the Roman Republic had legal institutions like the Senate and courts, they were not directly controlled by the people. The courts were presided over by appointed judges.

Option (d), a democratic government run by the people, is not directly applicable to the Roman Republic. The Roman Republic was not a pure democracy but rather a representative democracy or a republic, where elected representatives made decisions on behalf of the people.

Based on this analysis, the answer to the question is option (b), elected representatives who are the voice of the people. This concept was influenced by the Roman Republic's system of elected officials representing the interests of citizens.