how did the search for answers change during the scientific revolution

A. people turned to wealthy elites to fined the answers to all the questions
B. people started to use experimentation and reason
C. people allowed the information from Greece and Rome to guide all answers
D. people relied more on the guidance from the catholic church

B. people started to use experimentation and reason

B. People started to use experimentation and reason.

During the Scientific Revolution, which took place from the 16th to the 18th centuries, there was a significant shift in how people sought answers to questions. Instead of relying solely on religious or ancient authorities, individuals began to prioritize experimentation and reason as the basis for understanding the natural world. This new approach was influenced by key figures such as Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, and Isaac Newton, who emphasized observation, empirical evidence, and logical reasoning to challenge existing beliefs and develop new scientific theories.