Which of the following explains how the scientific revolution influenced society?

people were eager to follow the church's advice.
people wanted to believe as they always has and stick by the ancient Greeks' findings.
people wanted to be told how and what to think.
people wanted to explore truth and rationalism.

People wanted to explore truth and rationalism.

But instead what did they do? Did they do the opposite?

No, they did not do the opposite. The scientific revolution challenged traditional beliefs and encouraged people to question and pursue knowledge through observation, experimentation, and logical reasoning. This led to a shift away from blindly following the teachings of the church or ancient Greek philosophers, and towards a more independent and critical approach to understanding the world.

The option "people wanted to explore truth and rationalism" explains how the scientific revolution influenced society.

During the scientific revolution, which took place roughly between the 16th and 18th centuries, there was a transformation in society's approach to knowledge and understanding. Prior to this period, people relied heavily on religious and philosophical authorities for answers to fundamental questions about the natural world. However, advancements in scientific thinking and the development of the scientific method led to a shift in perspective.

One of the key characteristics of the scientific revolution was a growing emphasis on empirical evidence and observation as the basis for understanding the world. This approach challenged traditional beliefs and inspired individuals to question established ideas. Scientists like Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton made groundbreaking discoveries that expanded human knowledge and reshaped our understanding of the universe.

As these new scientific ideas gained traction, people became more interested in exploring truth and rationalism. They started to prioritize critical thinking and evidence-based reasoning, rather than simply accepting dogma or relying on ancient authorities such as the Greeks. This shift in mindset had a profound impact on society, leading to advancements in various fields like physics, astronomy, medicine, and technology.

In summary, the scientific revolution influenced society by promoting a desire to explore truth and rationalism, challenging traditional beliefs, and encouraging the use of empirical evidence to understand the natural world.