Which of the following violations of rights would Colonel Travis, as depicted in the lesson, be most concerned about?

Which of the following violations of rights would Colonel Travis, as depicted in the lesson, be most concerned about?

A judge personally knowing one of the defendants.

A business being able to buy an exemption from a government law.

The government forcing civilians to join the military for a time

The government shutting down a newspaper for printing a story it didn’t like.

Question at position 2

Colonel Travis, as depicted in the lesson, would most likely be concerned about the government shutting down a newspaper for printing a story it didn't like. This is because Colonel Travis is portrayed as a strong advocate for freedom of speech and press, and would likely view such an act as a violation of those rights.

Based on the given options, Colonel Travis would most likely be most concerned about the government shutting down a newspaper for printing a story it didn't like. This is because Colonel Travis, as depicted in the lesson, is a strong advocate for freedom of the press and freedom of speech. Shutting down a newspaper for expressing dissent or printing unfavorable stories goes against these principles and would likely be of great concern to him.