In two to three SHORT sentences, compare the process of digesting food in an amoeba (unicellular) to those in a mouse (multicellular)

The amoeba engulfs its food by surrounding it with its cell membrane, forming a food vacuole inside the cell, where enzymes break down the food molecules. In contrast, the mouse chews its food with its teeth, then the food is mixed with saliva in the mouth, swallowed and travels through a specialized digestive tract where it is broken down by enzymes and absorbed into the bloodstream.

The process of digesting food in an amoeba involves engulfing the food particle using pseudopodia and forming a food vacuole. The food is then broken down by enzymes within the vacuole. In contrast, in a mouse, digestion begins in the mouth where food is chewed and mixed with saliva, then it travels through the esophagus to the stomach where it is further broken down by stomach acid and digestive enzymes before being absorbed in the small intestine.