18.3% of animals in the local shelter are neither cat nor dogs 2% of those animals are not cats or dogs are rabbits if there are 267 animals in the shelter approximately how many of them are rabbits do not round any numbers until you finish the problem

To calculate the approximate number of rabbits in the shelter, we first need to find the number of animals that are neither cats nor dogs.

18.3% of animals are neither cats nor dogs, which can be written as 18.3/100 * 267 = 48.961 animals.

Now, we need to find the number of animals that are not cats nor dogs and are rabbits.

2% of those animals are rabbits, which can be written as 2/100 * 48.961 = 0.97922 rabbits.

Therefore, approximately 0.97922 of the animals in the shelter are rabbits.

Let's break down the problem step-by-step:

Step 1: Calculate the number of animals in the shelter that are not cats or dogs.
To find this, we will subtract the percentage of cats and dogs from 100%.
Percentage of animals that are neither cats nor dogs = 100% - 18.3% = 81.7%

Step 2: Calculate the number of animals that are neither cats nor dogs.
To find this, we will convert the percentage to a decimal and multiply it by the total number of animals in the shelter.
Number of animals that are neither cats nor dogs = 81.7% * 267

Step 3: Calculate the percentage of animals that are rabbits in the group of animals that are neither cats nor dogs.
To find this, we will take the given percentage of rabbits (2%) and divide it by the percentage of animals that are neither cats nor dogs (81.7%).
Percentage of rabbits in the group = 2% / 81.7%

Step 4: Calculate the number of rabbits.
To find this, we will convert the percentage to a decimal and multiply it by the number of animals that are neither cats nor dogs.
Number of rabbits = Percentage of rabbits * Number of animals that are neither cats nor dogs

Now, let's plug the numbers into the equations:

Step 1: Percentage of animals that are neither cats nor dogs = 100% - 18.3% = 81.7%
Step 2: Number of animals that are neither cats nor dogs = 81.7% * 267
Step 3: Percentage of rabbits in the group = 2% / 81.7%
Step 4: Number of rabbits = Percentage of rabbits * Number of animals that are neither cats nor dogs

By calculating each step, we can find the approximate number of rabbits in the shelter.