Use properties of operations and rules for multiplying signed numbers to multiply −25 by 310

. Write the answer in simplest form.(1 point)

negative Start Fraction 3 over 25 End Fraction

negative Start Fraction 6 over 50 End Fraction

Start Fraction 3 over 5 End Fraction


Negative Start Fraction 6 over 5 End Fraction

To multiply -25 by 310, we can simply multiply their absolute values (ignoring the signs) and then determine the sign of the product.

The absolute value of -25 is 25, and the absolute value of 310 is 310.

So, 25 multiplied by 310 equals 7750.

Now, to determine the sign of the product, we use the rule for multiplying signed numbers:

When multiplying a positive number by a negative number (or vice versa), the product is negative.

Since -25 is negative and 310 is positive, the product -25 multiplied by 310 is negative.

Therefore, the answer to -25 multiplied by 310 in simplest form is:
