Use properties of operations and rules for multiplying signed numbers too multiply -2/5 by 3/10. Write the answer in the simplest form.


To multiply fractions, you simply multiply the numerators together and multiply the denominators together. In this case, the numerator is -2 times 3, which equals -6. The denominator is 5 times 10, which equals 50. So, the answer is -6/50. However, to simplify this fraction, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 2. Doing this gives us -3/25. Therefore, the answer in simplest form is -3/25.

Multiply 4 by -5/8 write the answer as a mixed number in the simplest form.

-2 4/8
-2 1/2
- 5/2

To multiply a whole number by a fraction, you can convert the whole number into a fraction by placing it over 1. In this case, 4 can be written as 4/1. Then, you multiply the numerators together and the denominators together.

4/1 * -5/8 = (-20) / (8)

To simplify this fraction, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 4.

(-20) / (8) = -5 / 2

Therefore, the answer as a mixed number in simplest form is -2 1/2.

Multiply 6.5 buy zero. 3. Right the answer as decimal.

19. 5
1. 86

To multiply a decimal by another decimal, you simply multiply the numbers together as you would with whole numbers, then count the total number of decimal places in both numbers and place the decimal point in the product accordingly.

6.5 * 0.3 = 1.95

Therefore, the answer is 1.95.

Multiply -19.3 by 6

- 115.8

To multiply a decimal by a whole number, you can multiply the numbers together as you would with whole numbers, then place the decimal point in the product based on the number of decimal places in the original decimal.

-19.3 * 6 = -115.8

Therefore, the answer is -115.8.

Multiply -2 1/2 by -1 3/5. Write the answer as a decimal.


To multiply mixed numbers, you need to first convert them into improper fractions, then multiply the numerators together and multiply the denominators together.

-2 1/2 can be written as -5/2, and -1 3/5 can be written as -8/5.

(-5/2) * (-8/5) = 40/10 = 4

Therefore, the answer as a decimal is 4.

Multiply 3/7 by 9/10.