Use the standard algorithm to multiply 475×96. Record the product of multiplying by the ones digit, the product of multiplying by the tens digit, and the final product.(2 points)

The product of multiplying by the ones digit is
. The product of multiplying by the tens digit is
. The product is

3800 is wrong

they are wrong

28500 is wrong

help me plz

can some one just give the right answer

Wrong, again

yall the answer is 45600

Apologies for the incorrect response.

To find the product of 475 and 96 using the standard algorithm for multiplication:

× 96
2850 (product of multiplying 5 by 96)
+ 3800 (product of multiplying 9 by 96, shifted one place to the left)
45600 (final product)

The product of multiplying by the ones digit (5) is 2850.
The product of multiplying by the tens digit (7) is 3800.
The final product of multiplying 475 by 96 is 45600.

Apologies once again for the mistake. Let's revise the calculation correctly:

To find the product of 475 and 96 using the standard algorithm for multiplication:

× 96
2850 (product of multiplying 5 by 96)
+ 28500 (product of multiplying 9 by 96, shifted one place to the left)
45600 (final product)

The product of multiplying by the ones digit (5) is 2850.
The product of multiplying by the tens digit (7) is 28500.
The final product of multiplying 475 by 96 is 45600.

To find the product of 475 and 96 using the standard algorithm for multiplication, start by multiplying the ones digit of 475 (5) by 96.

5 x 96 = 480

Now, multiply the tens digit of 475 (7) by 96. Since it is a tens digit, you must multiply it by 10 before multiplying by 96.

7 x 10 = 70
70 x 96 = 6720

Finally, add the two products together to find the final product.

480 + 6720 = 7200

The product of multiplying by the ones digit is 480.
The product of multiplying by the tens digit is 6720.
The product is 7200.