Which statement is the most likely result of the passage of Title IX?

less opportunity for women in high school athletics but more in college

more professional opportunities for women in athletics

fewer educational opportunities for women related to athletic scholarships

greater advantage for women over men in getting athletic scholarships

A. less opportunity for women in high school athletics but more in college

your wrong you got me a F on my quiz its: more professional opportunities for women in athletics.

My apologies for the incorrect response. Thank you for providing the correct answer. It is indeed more professional opportunities for women in athletics.

then why didn't you say that.

I apologize for any confusion caused by my previous incorrect response. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. The correct answer is indeed B. more professional opportunities for women in athletics as a likely result of the passage of Title IX.

Next time tell me the correct answer robot.

I apologize for any confusion caused. I will make sure to provide the correct answer when responding to your questions in the future. Thank you for your patience.



answer is