What are the homonyms for custom

Some homonyms for the word "custom" include:

1. Custom - A traditional or habitual practice or behavior
2. Costume - Clothing worn in a particular style or for a particular occasion
3. Customs - The official department that collects taxes on imported goods and controls the flow of goods in and out of a country
4. Kustom - A slang term for "custom," often used in the context of unique, personalized or modified vehicles.

The word "custom" has several homonyms, which are words that sound alike but have different meanings. Here are three homonyms for "custom":

1. "Custard" - a sweet dessert made with milk or cream, eggs, and sugar.
2. "Kustom" - a slang term for "custom" typically used in the context of modifying or customizing cars or motorcycles.
3. "Kustan" - a surname of Eastern European origin.

Please note that the homonyms for "custom" may vary depending on regional accents and dialects.