What evidence do historians use to show that the Maya had advanced knowledge of astronomy?

(1 point)

Huge temples aligned to the four cardinal directions.
Huge temples aligned to the four cardinal directions.

The Maya developed a 365-day solar calendar.
The Maya developed a 365-day solar calendar.

The Maya had identified all the planets in the solar system.
The Maya had identified all the planets in the solar system.

Maya priests invented the concept of zero.

Maya priests invented the concept of zero.

What was one way that Aztec civilization differed from the Mayan civilization?

(1 point)

farming on chinampas
farming on chinampas

use of calendars
use of calendars

belief in many gods
belief in many gods

hieroglyphic writing system

farming on chinampas

hat clues does the city of Tenochtitlán give about the achievements of the Aztec?

(1 point)

The Aztec copied their city plan from Maya and Olmec cities.
The Aztec copied their city plan from Maya and Olmec cities.

The size of the temples in the city is evidence of a unique religion.
The size of the temples in the city is evidence of a unique religion.

The canals and temples in the city show advanced engineering skills.
The canals and temples in the city show advanced engineering skills.

Economic freedom is shown by the number of marketplaces in the city

The canals and temples in the city show advanced engineering skills.

Historians use several pieces of evidence to show that the Maya had advanced knowledge of astronomy. Here are some of them:

1. Huge temples aligned to the four cardinal directions: Many Maya temples were constructed in alignment with celestial events, such as the solstices and equinoxes. The precise alignment of the structures suggests that the Maya had a deep understanding of celestial movements and used them for astronomical observations.

2. The Maya developed a 365-day solar calendar: The Maya had a highly accurate calendar system that was based on the movements of the sun. This calendar, known as the Haab, consisted of 18 months of 20 days each, plus an extra 5-day month. The fact that the Maya were able to accurately track the solar year indicates their advanced understanding of astronomy.

3. The Maya had identified all the planets in the solar system: Archaeological evidence suggests that the Maya were aware of the movements and positions of celestial bodies, including the planets. They tracked the motions of Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn and incorporated them into their calendars and religious practices. This demonstrates their knowledge of astronomy beyond just the sun and moon.

4. Maya priests invented the concept of zero: Although not directly related to astronomy, the Maya development of the concept of zero is a significant mathematical achievement. This invention allowed them to perform complex calculations, including those related to astronomical observations. Their understanding of zero suggests a sophisticated mathematical and astronomical knowledge.

These pieces of evidence collectively showcase that the Maya had advanced knowledge of astronomy, which was integrated into their religious, cultural, and scientific practices.

Historians use several pieces of evidence to show that the Maya had advanced knowledge of astronomy. Here are some examples:

1. Huge temples aligned to the four cardinal directions: One piece of evidence is the construction of enormous temples that were precisely aligned with the four cardinal directions. This suggests that the Maya had a good understanding of celestial bodies and their positions.

2. The development of a 365-day solar calendar: The Maya had a highly accurate solar calendar that consisted of 18 months, each with 20 days, plus a five-day "unlucky" period. This calendar was based on their observations of the sun and its movements, demonstrating their understanding of astronomy and the solar year.

3. Identification of planets in the solar system: While the Maya didn't identify all the planets in the solar system, they did observe and track certain planets. They had knowledge of the movements of Venus, which they associated with important deities and used for agricultural purposes.

4. Invention of the concept of zero: The Maya priests were among the first to develop and use the concept of zero in their numerical system. The understanding of zero is closely linked to mathematical and astronomical calculations, as it allows for more advanced calculations involving large numbers and astronomical phenomena.

To summarize, historians use evidence such as the alignment of temples, the development of a solar calendar, observations of planets, and the invention of zero to demonstrate the advanced knowledge of astronomy among the Maya civilization.