Which of the following demonstrates how biased views on race, and relying too much on the writings of the wealthy elite, led early twentieth-century textbooks to publish mistakes about American history in the Civil War era?(1 point)

that the Comanche allied with the Confederacy
that the Comanche allied with the Confederacy

that some Texans did not support secession
that some Texans did not support secession

that enslaved people were happy under slavery
that enslaved people were happy under slavery

that slavery was a brutal institution that people often risked their lives to escape
that slavery was a brutal institution that people often risked their lives to escape

that enslaved people were happy under slavery.

whats ur explanation

Which of the following demonstrates how biased views on race, and relying too much on the writings of the wealthy elite, led early twentieth-century textbooks to publish mistakes about American history in the Civil War era?(1 point)


that the Comanche allied with the Confederacy
that the Comanche allied with the Confederacy

that some Texans did not support secession
that some Texans did not support secession

that enslaved people were happy under slavery
that enslaved people were happy under slavery

that slavery was a brutal institution that people often risked their lives to escape

The option that demonstrates how biased views on race and relying too much on the writings of the wealthy elite led early twentieth-century textbooks to publish mistakes about American history in the Civil War era is:

- That enslaved people were happy under slavery

The option that demonstrates how biased views on race and relying too much on the writings of the wealthy elite led early twentieth-century textbooks to publish mistakes about American history in the Civil War era is:

- That enslaved people were happy under slavery

To determine this answer, we can analyze the question and the provided options. The question asks us to identify the option that showcases biased views on race and the influence of the wealthy elite on early twentieth-century textbooks.

Looking at the options:
- Options 1 ("that the Comanche allied with the Confederacy") and 2 ("that some Texans did not support secession") do not directly address the influence of biased views on race or reliance on the writings of the wealthy elite.
- Option 4 ("that slavery was a brutal institution that people often risked their lives to escape") does not demonstrate biased views or reliance on the wealthy elite, but instead presents a more accurate understanding of the realities of slavery.

Thus, the remaining option, Option 3 ("that enslaved people were happy under slavery"), best aligns with the question's criteria. It demonstrates biased views on race by suggesting that enslaved people were content and satisfied with their condition, which is not accurate and minimizes the brutality and oppression of slavery. Additionally, this perspective is often associated with the writings of the wealthy elite who sought to justify and preserve their economic interests tied to slavery.