Create an image representing the concept of regular and irregular verbs in the English language. Depict a book open to a page with illustrations of present and past participles, indicated symbolically through an arrow of time. Include visual elements suggesting their grammatical function without using any text. The book should appear to be mid-flip, indicating it's page 11 of a presumably larger book. The background should be a neat, scholarly ambiance, like an old library or study room lit by a soft desk lamp.

Select the correct answer from the list. (1 point)

A participle is a type of verb that can function as a(n)
in a sentence. Participles can be present or past participles. Present participles always end in
, and past participles end in
unless they are irregular verbs.
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A participle is a type of verb that can function as a(n) adjective in a sentence. Participles can be present or past participles. Present participles always end in -ing, and past participles end in -ed unless they are irregular verbs.

The correct answers are:

- A participle is a type of verb that can function as an ADJECTIVE in a sentence.
- Present participles always end in -ING.
- Past participles end in -ED unless they are irregular verbs.