Use long division to convert 1120 to a decimal.

To convert 1120 to a decimal, we can use long division.

We start by placing the dividend (1120) inside the long division bracket and the divisor (1) outside the bracket, as shown below:

1 | 1120

We divide 1 into 11, which results in 11. We write the quotient (11) above the line and multiply it by the divisor (1):

1 | 1120
- 11

Then we subtract 11 from 11, which gives us 0. Since we have no remainder, we can bring down the next digit, which is 20:

1 | 1120
- 11

We divide 1 into 20, resulting in 20. We write the quotient (20) above the line and multiply it by the divisor (1):

1 | 1120
- 11

Then we subtract 20 from 20, giving us 0. Since there are no more digits to bring down, our division is complete:

1 | 1120
- 11
- 20

The quotient (the number we wrote above the line) is 1120.

Therefore, 1120 as a decimal is simply 1120.

Use long division to convert 11/20 to a decimal.

To convert the fraction 11/20 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:

1. Set up the long division with the numerator (11) inside the division bracket and the denominator (20) outside the bracket:

20 | 11

2. Divide the first digit of the numerator (in this case, 1) by the denominator (20). The result is 0. Write this above the line, as the whole number portion of the decimal:

20 | 11

3. Multiply the whole number above the line (0) by the denominator (20) and subtract the result from the numerator (11). Write the difference below the line:

20 | 11
- 0

The difference is 11, so we can bring down the next digit (0) from the numerator:

20 | 11
- 0

4. Since there is a zero in the numerator, we can add a decimal point after the 0 above the line:

20 | 11
- 0

5. Bring down another zero from the numerator:

20 | 11
- 0

6. Divide the new numerator (11) by the denominator (20). The result is 0.55. Write this after the decimal point and above the line:

20 | 11
- 0

7. Multiply the decimal part (0.55) by the denominator (20) and subtract the result from the remaining numerator (11). Write the difference below the line:

20 | 11
- 11

8. Since the result is zero, there is no remainder. Therefore, the final decimal representation of 11/20 is 0.55.

Use long division to convert 2/9 to a decimal. Your approximation should have one decimal place

To convert the fraction 2/9 to a decimal using long division and approximating to one decimal place, follow these steps:

1. Set up the long division with the numerator (2) inside the division bracket and the denominator (9) outside the bracket:

9 | 2

2. Divide the first digit of the numerator (2) by the denominator (9). The result is 0 with a remainder of 2. Write this above the line:

9 | 2

3. Bring down a zero from the numerator:

9 | 2

4. Divide the new numerator (20) by the denominator (9). The result is 2 with a remainder of 2. Write this above the line:

9 | 2

5. Since we want to approximate to one decimal place, we can calculate the next decimal digit by dividing the remaining numerator (20) by the denominator (9) one more time:

20 ÷ 9 ≈ 2.2

Write this as the next digit above the line:

9 | 2

Note: Here, we have rounded the division result to one decimal place, which gave us 2.2.

6. Since there is no remainder, we have completed the long division. The final decimal approximation of 2/9, rounded to one decimal place, is 0.2.

To convert 1120 to a decimal using long division, we will divide 1120 by 1000, which shifts the decimal point three places to the left. Here are the steps:

1. Write the dividend (1120) inside the long division symbol (÷) and the divisor (1000) outside.

1000 | 1120

2. Divide the first digit of the dividend (1) by the divisor (1000) and place the result on top.

1000 | 1120

3. Multiply the divisor (1000) by the quotient (1) and subtract the result from the dividend (1120). Write the remainder below.

1000 | 1120

4. Bring down the next digit from the dividend (2) and place it after the remainder (120).

1000 | 1120

5. Divide the new number (1202) by the divisor (1000) and place the result on top.

1000 | 1120

6. Multiply the divisor (1000) by the new quotient (1) and subtract the result from the new number (1202). Write the remainder below.

1000 | 1120

7. Since there are no more digits to bring down, the division is complete.

8. The quotient is 1.120, which is the decimal representation of 1120.

To convert 1120 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down 1120 as the numerator and 1 as the denominator. This gives you the fraction 1120/1.

Step 2: Perform the division by dividing the numerator (1120) by the denominator (1) using long division. Write the quotient above the division line and the remainder below.

1 | 1120

Step 3: Divide 1 into 11, which gives you a quotient of 11.

1 | 1120
- 1

Step 4: Bring down the next digit (2) and divide 1 into 12, resulting in a quotient of 12.

1 | 1120
- 1
- 12

Step 5: Bring down the next digit (0) and divide 1 into 20, giving you a quotient of 20.

1 | 1120
- 1
- 12
- 20

Step 6: Since the remainder is 0, the division is exact, and the decimal representation of 1120 is simply the quotient we obtained: 1120/1 = 1120.

Therefore, 1120 as a decimal is 1120.