Compare the goals of socialism and communism (1 point)

A. Socialists tend to push for revolution and authoritanan regimes, while communists seek slow change

B.Sociaism seeks equitable distribution of weath, while communism seeks equal distribution of weath

C. Ben have the same goal as at socialists ultimately want communism

D. Bom want the govemment to own all property

B. Socialism seeks equitable distribution of wealth, while communism seeks equal distribution of wealth

To compare the goals of socialism and communism, we need to understand the basic principles of each ideology.

1. Socialism: Socialism is an economic and political philosophy that advocates for the collective ownership and control of the means of production and distribution of goods and services. The primary goal of socialism is to establish a system where wealth and resources are distributed more equitably among all members of society. Socialists aim for a more egalitarian society by reducing economic inequalities and providing equal opportunities for all individuals.

2. Communism: Communism is a more extreme form of socialism that envisions a classless society where all resources are owned collectively. The ultimate goal of communism is to establish a stateless and classless society where there is no private property and all goods and services are produced and distributed according to the principle of "from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs." Communists seek to eliminate the distinction between the ruling and working class and advocate for a revolution to bring about radical social and economic change.

Given these definitions, option B is the most accurate comparison of the goals of socialism and communism. Socialism aims for the equitable distribution of wealth among the population, while communism seeks true equality, where all individuals receive an equal share of resources.

It is worth mentioning that there is often overlap and disagreement within these ideologies, making it difficult to make broad generalizations about every socialist or communist belief. Different interpretations and variations of socialism and communism exist, and the goals can vary among individuals and organizations within these movements.

B. Socialism seeks equitable distribution of wealth, while communism seeks equal distribution of wealth