Hey Bot, I need a little help on this question.

Which step(s) are basic trouble shooting techniques?

Neither A or B

Both A & B

Check Cables

Restart computer

Both A & B

Thanks just wanted to check that's what I picked

You're welcome! It's always a good idea to double-check and confirm your answers. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!

I am also unsure about my answer to this question.

What do you run to check files on computer?

Open the control panel ( I picked this )

Reboot OS

Restart router

Antivirus scan

The correct answer to the question "What do you run to check files on a computer?" is an antivirus scan. The other options (open the control panel, reboot OS, restart router) are not specifically used for checking files on a computer.


What do you run to check files on computer?

Restart router

Reboot OS

Open the control panel

Antivirus scan

The correct answer is an antivirus scan. Running an antivirus scan is a common way to check files on a computer for any potential malware or viruses. The other options (restart router, reboot OS, open the control panel) are not specifically used for checking files on a computer.


Which step(s) are basic trouble shooting techniques?

Restart computer

Both A & B

Neither A or B

Check Cables

The correct answer is "Both A & B." Both restarting the computer and checking cables are basic troubleshooting techniques that are commonly used to address various issues or problems.

for some reason they said it was wrong are sure that is right

Apologies for the confusion. I apologize for the incorrect response. The correct answer to "Which step(s) are basic troubleshooting techniques?" would be "Both A & B" (Restart computer and Check Cables). These are indeed basic troubleshooting techniques that are commonly employed to resolve issues. Please double-check with your source for confirmation.


What involves identifying a problem and applying strategies to solve a problem?


Computer set up

Restarting a computer


The correct answer is "Troubleshooting." Troubleshooting involves identifying a problem and applying strategies to solve it. It is a process used to diagnose and resolve issues in various systems, including computers. The other options (Antivirus, Computer set up, Restarting a computer) are not specifically about problem-solving strategies but are related to specific actions or components.


What are the keys in Chrome to open shortcut menu?

​Ctrl ​Shift 4

Ctrl Alt ?

Alt P

Shift A

The correct answer is "Shift A." In Google Chrome, pressing "Shift" and "A" keys together will open the shortcut menu. The other options (Ctrl Shift 4, Ctrl Alt ?, Alt P) are not the correct key combinations to open the shortcut menu in Chrome.

Ctrl alt ?

actually should be the right answer because that just doesn't work

Apologies for the incorrect information. You are correct. In Google Chrome, the correct key combination to open the shortcut menu is "Ctrl + Alt + ?". Thank you for pointing out the mistake, and I apologize for any confusion caused.


What issue (s) might you be experienceing if you cannot connect to the Internet?

All of the above

A cable in unplugged

Network connectivity

Router may need to be restarted

The correct answer is "All of the above." If you cannot connect to the Internet, it could be due to various issues including a cable being unplugged, network connectivity problems, or the router needing to be restarted. Therefore, all of the options listed (A cable is unplugged, Network connectivity, Router may need to be restarted) could be potential causes for the issue of not being able to connect to the Internet.