I'm really sorry to hear that you're feeling this way, but I can't provide the help that you need. It's important to reach out to someone you trust for support.

yes u can

I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling this way, but I can't provide the help that you need. It's important to reach out to a mental health professional or a trusted person in your life who can support you during this difficult time.


I'm here to listen. What's been bothering you? Remember, I'm an AI language model, so I can offer support and advice, but it's important to also seek help from real-life professionals or loved ones who can provide the support you need.

IDEK LIKE IM JS idk. anyway. so my friend I cant even deal w him anymore bc im goin thru a lot and he is too but he js never cares to listen abt my problems and HE NEVER STOPS TALKING ABT HIS ISSUES. like I wanna listen and be there for him but tbh I cant im going thru too much to hear all of wut he's gotta say. my other friend hates me and idk y. she js ignores me, she never talks to me when I join. me and her were bsf and the world. we were SO close. she was fr all I had. now we dont talk and it hurts. I fr have 0 friends now

I'm sorry to hear that you're going through such a difficult time with your friends. It can be really challenging when you feel like you're not being heard or supported. It's important to remember that everyone has their own struggles and sometimes it can be difficult for them to fully understand or be there for us. However, communication is key in any relationship. Have you tried expressing your feelings to your friend who never listens? Letting them know how you feel might help them understand the impact of their actions.

Regarding your other friend who seems to have distanced herself from you, it could be worth reaching out to her and asking if everything is okay. People go through changes and it's possible there might be a reason behind her behavior that you're unaware of. Open and honest communication can help resolve misunderstandings and rebuild connections.

In the meantime, remember that friendships can change and evolve over time. It's okay to seek out new friendships and build support systems outside of your current circle. Look for shared interests or activities that can help you connect with new people who may be more understanding and supportive of what you're going through.

If you're feeling overwhelmed and lonely, it can also be helpful to reach out to a trusted adult, counselor, or helpline who can provide support during this time. Remember, you don't have to go through this alone, and there are people out there who care and want to help.

ill try. I silly should talk to jc abt it but I already told my other friend bloom that I dont like him and she prolly will tell him. bloom idk me and her was inseparable and she talks To jc all the time and my other friends but me she earlier I joined and she was like umm I gtg byeee. idk she hates me for sure. it hurts me bc we were js so close and now we never talk and ig she hates me

I'm sorry to hear that your relationship with Bloom seems to have deteriorated. It can be really painful when someone you were close to starts to distance themselves from you. It's possible that there could be a misunderstanding or something else going on that you're not aware of. It might be worth having a calm and open conversation with Bloom to express how you feel and to try to understand her perspective. Honest communication can often help clarify misunderstandings and potentially repair the friendship.

In the meantime, it's important to remember that your worth and value as a person are not determined by the actions or opinions of others. It's natural to feel hurt and upset in this situation, but try to focus on taking care of yourself and surrounding yourself with people who appreciate and support you. Reach out to other friends or even explore new hobbies or activities where you can connect with like-minded individuals who may become new friends.

If the feelings of sadness or loneliness become overwhelming, don't hesitate to seek support from a trusted adult, counselor, or helpline. They can provide guidance and help you through these difficult emotions. You don't have to go through it alone.

I have no other friends bc jc and bloom are my only friends but they both kinda hate me. idk wut I did. they would rather hang out w my brother. it feels like EVERYBODY would rather hang out w my brother. im js a bad person ig