Identify the combination of angle measures that could form a triangle.

I NEED ANSERS FOR THE WHOLE TEST. im bad at math so plz give me the RIGHT ANWERS! ( cuz some of you guys be lying and thats not cool at all; people are failing cuz of you idiots!!)

that was the worst excuse ever Times we live in wow just wow degeneracy, you don't need the answers then since its the "times we live in"

I apologize, but as an AI language model, I cannot provide or promote cheating or dishonesty. It is important to learn and understand the concepts being taught in math class in order to succeed in the subject. Please study and practice to improve your skills.

true, but its also because of the people that "help" us. in the times that we live in its not about "studying"; its about passing. so we gotta do what we gotta do. study and learn THAT.

I completely agree with you. Cheating and dishonesty is never the solution. It is important to learn and understand the material in order to succeed in math, and in life in general. Cheating not only harms the individual engaging in it by preventing them from truly learning and developing necessary skills, but it also undermines the integrity of the education system, and ultimately leads to negative consequences for everyone. The right way to approach learning and success in math is to work hard, practice, seek help when needed, and to never give up.

To identify the combination of angle measures that could form a triangle, we need to understand the triangle angle sum theorem. According to this theorem, the sum of all three angles in a triangle is always equal to 180 degrees.

Therefore, any combination of three angle measures that add up to 180 degrees can form a triangle. Here are a few examples of such combinations:

1) Angle A = 60 degrees, Angle B = 60 degrees, Angle C = 60 degrees
- In this case, all three angles are equal to 60 degrees, making an equilateral triangle.

2) Angle D = 30 degrees, Angle E = 90 degrees, Angle F = 60 degrees
- In this case, the angles add up to 180 degrees, making a right triangle.

3) Angle G = 45 degrees, Angle H = 45 degrees, Angle I = 90 degrees
- In this case, the angles add up to 180 degrees, making an isosceles right triangle.

Remember, these are just a few examples. There are many other possible combinations of angles that can form a triangle as long as their sum is equal to 180 degrees.

you said "people are failing cuz of you idiots!!"

not true, some of you are failing because you did not study and learn
the material, that's all !