is this statment true of false

The percentage uncertainty ranged from 38.1% to 6.02% which suggest that the data had relatively low variability.

True. The statement suggests that the data had relatively low variability as the range of percentage uncertainty is relatively small.

The statement suggests that the data had relatively low variability. To determine if this statement is true or false, you need to compare the range of percentage uncertainty to other measures of variability such as the interquartile range or standard deviation.

Step 1: Calculate the range of percentage uncertainty
The range is found by subtracting the lowest value from the highest value. In this case, the range of percentage uncertainty is 38.1% - 6.02% = 32.08%.

Step 2: Compare the range to other measures of variability
To determine if the range indicates low variability, you can compare it to other measures. Generally, if the range is small compared to other measures, it suggests low variability.

For example, if the interquartile range or standard deviation is much larger than the range, it would indicate higher variability. Conversely, if the range is similar in magnitude to other measures of variability, it would suggest moderate to high variability.

Without additional information about other measures of variability, it is not possible to definitively determine if the statement is true or false. It would be helpful to consider additional measures to get a more comprehensive understanding of the data's variability.