If a gallon of gas costs 300 9/10 cent, how much does 8 gallons cost

To find out how much 8 gallons of gas cost, you can simply multiply the cost of one gallon by 8.

Cost of one gallon = 300 9/10 cent = 300.9 cent

Cost of 8 gallons = (Cost of one gallon) x (number of gallons)
Cost of 8 gallons = 300.9 cent x 8 = 2407.2 cent

Therefore, 8 gallons of gas cost 2407.2 cent.

To find out how much 8 gallons of gas costs, you can multiply the cost of 1 gallon by 8.

1 gallon of gas costs 300 9/10 cent.

To simplify the calculation, convert cent to dollars:

1 dollar = 100 cents
Therefore, 300 9/10 cent = 300.9 cents = 300.9/100 dollars = 3.009 dollars.

Now, multiply the cost of 1 gallon by 8:

8 gallons * 3.009 dollars/gallon = 24.072 dollars.

Therefore, 8 gallons of gas cost 24.072 dollars.