Which of the following would be an example of innovations found in the River Valley Civilizations?(1 point)


woven baskets

bows and arrows

bronze weapons

animal furs

woven baskets

To determine which of the following options would be an example of innovations found in the River Valley Civilizations, we can evaluate each option based on historical knowledge. The River Valley Civilizations were early civilizations that developed around major rivers, such as the Nile, Tigris and Euphrates, Indus, and Yellow River. These civilizations, including the Egyptians, Sumerians, Harappans, and Shang Dynasty, were known for their advancements in various aspects.

1. Woven Baskets: Woven baskets were indeed a significant innovation in the River Valley Civilizations. They were used for storing food, carrying goods, and trading. These baskets were typically made from natural materials such as reeds, grass, or tree bark, and their construction required weaving techniques. Therefore, woven baskets were an example of an innovation found in these civilizations.

2. Bows and Arrows: Bows and arrows were also an important innovation in the River Valley Civilizations. They revolutionized hunting and warfare because they allowed for more accurate and long-range attacks. Bows were made from wood or other flexible materials, while arrows were crafted with stone or metal tips. Therefore, bows and arrows would be considered an innovation in these civilizations.

3. Bronze Weapons: Bronze weapons, on the other hand, were not directly associated with the River Valley Civilizations. Bronze weapons were later developed during the Bronze Age which followed the River Valley Civilizations. The use of bronze tools and weapons marked a significant advancement in technology, but it primarily occurred in different regions and time periods.

4. Animal Furs: Animal furs were not specifically mentioned as innovations in the River Valley Civilizations. They might have been utilized for clothing or shelter in various ways, but they were not necessarily a defining innovation in these civilizations.

Considering the options, woven baskets (option 1) and bows and arrows (option 2) would be examples of innovations found in the River Valley Civilizations.

Of the options provided, woven baskets, bows and arrows, and bronze weapons would all be examples of innovations found in the River Valley Civilizations. Animal furs, however, are not typically considered as innovations in this context.