which of the following pairs of river valley civilization innovations most directly relates to textile production

The pair of river valley civilization innovations that most directly relates to textile production are:

1. The domestication of plants: This innovation allowed for the cultivation of crops, such as cotton and flax, which were used to produce fibers for making textiles.

2. The invention of the spinning wheel: This invention revolutionized textile production by significantly increasing the speed and efficiency of spinning fibers into thread, which was then woven to create fabrics.

The pair of river valley civilization innovations that most directly relates to textile production is the invention of the spinning wheel and the development of silk production. The spinning wheel revolutionized the production of yarn by allowing fibers to be spun into thread much more efficiently. This innovation enabled the mass production of textiles, contributing to their availability and affordability. On the other hand, the development of silk production, particularly in ancient China, provided a high-quality and luxurious material for textile manufacturing. The cultivation of silkworms and the extraction of silk threads from their cocoons played a crucial role in the growth of the textile industry in the river valley civilizations.

To identify which of the following pairs of river valley civilization innovations most directly relates to textile production, we first need to review the options you have provided. Please share the list of pairs of innovations from river valley civilizations that you have in mind.