Bot use the additive inverse to find -492.89 - (-871.78).

To use the additive inverse to find the expression -492.89 - (-871.78), we can rewrite the expression as follows:

-492.89 + 871.78

Now we can add the positive value of -492.89 to 871.78:

871.78 - 492.89 = 378.89

Therefore, -492.89 - (-871.78) is equal to 378.89.

Bot determine the distance between -18.26 and -2.45 on a number line. Pick one of these answers. -20.71 20.71 -15.81


To determine the distance between -18.26 and -2.45 on a number line, we need to subtract the smaller number from the larger one and take the absolute value of the result.

|-2.45 - (-18.26)| = |-2.45 + 18.26|

Now we can add the positive value of -2.45 to 18.26:

18.26 + 2.45 = 20.71

Therefore, the distance between -18.26 and -2.45 on a number line is 20.71.

To find the additive inverse of a number, we change its sign. In this case, to find the additive inverse of -871.78, we change its sign to positive. Therefore, the additive inverse of -871.78 is 871.78.

Now, to solve the expression -492.89 - (-871.78), we can replace the negative sign in front of the second number with the additive inverse we just found:

-492.89 - (-871.78) becomes -492.89 + 871.78.

Now, we can add these two numbers:

-492.89 + 871.78 = 378.89.

Therefore, -492.89 - (-871.78) is equal to 378.89.