The diagonal of a square equals 2–√

times the side length. Using 1.4 for the square root of 2, what is the approximate length in feet from one corner to an opposite corner of a square park that is 70 feet on a side?(1 point)

The diagonal of a square is given by d = √2 times the side length.

Given that the side length of the square park is 70 feet, we can calculate the diagonal as follows:
d = (√2) * s
d ≈ (1.4) * 70
d ≈ 98 feet
Therefore, the approximate length from one corner to an opposite corner of the square park is 98 feet.

To find the length of the diagonal of a square, you can use the formula:

diagonal = side length × √2

Given that the side length of the square park is 70 feet, we can substitute this value into the formula:

diagonal = 70 × √2

Since you mentioned that √2 is approximated as 1.4, we can substitute this value as well:

diagonal = 70 × 1.4

Now, we can calculate the value of the diagonal:

diagonal = 98 feet

Therefore, the approximate length from one corner to an opposite corner of the square park is 98 feet.