6. Joshua is sharing half of a pizza with three friends. Which expression can be used to find the fraction of a whole pizza each person will get, if they sprint what they have evenly

To convert 3 16/25 to a decimal, we first need to convert the mixed number to an improper fraction.

To do this, we multiply the whole number, 3, by the denominator of the fraction (25), and then add the numerator (16).

3 * 25 + 16 = 75 + 16 = 91

So, 3 16/25 can be written as 91/25 as an improper fraction.

To convert this fraction to a decimal, we divide the numerator (91) by the denominator (25):

91 ÷ 25 = 3.64

Therefore, 3 16/25 as a decimal is approximately 3.64.

The fraction of a whole pizza each person will get can be found by dividing the pizza equally among the four friends. Since Joshua is sharing half of the pizza with three friends, each person will receive 1/4 of the pizza. Therefore, the expression that can be used to find the fraction of a whole pizza each person will get is 1/4.

6. Joshua is sharing half of a pizza with three friends. Which expression can be used to find the fraction of a whole pizza each person will get, if they sprint what they have evenly?(1 point)






The correct expression to find the fraction of a whole pizza each person will get is 1/2 ⋅ 1/4.

Which quotient is between -4 and -5?

Hint: Use your calculator for this problem.

(1 point)

-9 1/3 / 2

-5 1/2 / (-1 1/2)

2 5/6 / (-1/2)

1 2/3 / (-1/2)

To find the quotient that is between -4 and -5, we need to evaluate each expression and see which one falls within this range.

Calculating each option:

-9 1/3 ÷ 2 = -4.6666

-5 1/2 ÷ (-1 1/2) = 3.6666

2 5/6 ÷ (-1/2) = -12.3333

1 2/3 ÷ (-1/2) = -6

The only quotient that falls between -4 and -5 is 2 5/6 ÷ (-1/2).

So, the correct option is: 2 5/6 / (-1/2).

Convert 31625 to a decimal.

To convert 31625 to a decimal, we write the number as it is:


Since there are no decimal points or fractional parts, it is already a whole number. Therefore, 31625 can be written as a decimal by simply adding a decimal point at the end:


So, 31625 as a decimal is 31625.0.

Convert 3 16/25 to a decimal.

To find the fraction of a whole pizza that each person will get, we need to divide the pizza into equal parts.

Since Joshua is sharing half of the pizza with three friends, they are dividing the pizza into 4 equal parts.

The fraction representing the portion that each person will get is 1/4 because there are 4 equal parts and each person will get one part.

So the expression that can be used to find the fraction of a whole pizza each person will get is: 1/4.