Sam is flying from Columbus, Ohio, to Kralendijk, Bonaire—a distance of 2,488 miles.

First, he flies 995 miles to Miami, Florida. He then flies from Miami to San Juan, Puerto Rico—a distance of 1,033 miles.
How many miles will he travel flying from Columbus to San Juan? How many more miles does he have to fly to Kralendijk?

Enter your answers in the boxes.

To find the total distance Sam will travel from Columbus to San Juan, we add the distance from Columbus to Miami and the distance from Miami to San Juan:

995 miles + 1,033 miles = 2,028 miles

Sam will travel 2,028 miles from Columbus to San Juan.

To find the remaining distance Sam has to fly to Kralendijk, we subtract the distance he already traveled (from Columbus to San Juan) from the total distance of 2,488 miles:

2,488 miles - 2,028 miles = 460 miles

Sam has 460 more miles to fly to Kralendijk.

To calculate the miles Sam will travel flying from Columbus to San Juan, we need to add the distance from Columbus to Miami (995 miles) and the distance from Miami to San Juan (1,033 miles).

995 miles + 1,033 miles = 2,028 miles

Therefore, Sam will travel 2,028 miles from Columbus to San Juan.

To calculate how many more miles Sam has to fly to Kralendijk, we subtract the distance from Columbus to San Juan (2,028 miles) from the total distance from Columbus to Kralendijk (2,488 miles).

2,488 miles - 2,028 miles = 460 miles

Therefore, Sam has to fly an additional 460 miles to reach Kralendijk.