Which statement correctly analyzes how Enlightenment thinker Thomas Hobbes’s ideas impacted the American Revolution?(1 point)

Thomas Hobbes's ideas impacted the American Revolution by influencing the belief in the importance of a strong central government and the need for social contract theory. His concept of a powerful sovereign authority in the Leviathan helped shape the idea of a strong executive branch in the American Constitution. Additionally, his belief in the necessity of a social contract, where individuals willingly give up some freedoms in exchange for protection and order, influenced the development of the American political system and the idea of citizen's rights and responsibilities.

Thomas Hobbes's ideas had a limited impact on the American Revolution as his ideas were not directly influential during the time period. Instead, the American Revolution was primarily influenced by Enlightenment thinkers such as John Locke and his ideas of natural rights, consent of the governed, and limited government. These ideas laid the foundation for the American Revolution and the formation of the United States, emphasizing the importance of individual liberty and self-government. While Hobbes's ideas of a strong central authority and social contract were influential in later political thought, they did not have a direct impact on the specific ideas and ideals that led to the American Revolution.