Create an illustrated timeline of the four influential documents, English Bill of Rights, Common Sense, Mayflower Compact, and Magna Carta. For each one have it's date, why it is influential, and a picture to help remember it!

Here is an illustrated timeline of the four influential documents you mentioned:

1. Magna Carta
- Date: June 15, 1215
- Why it is influential: The Magna Carta is considered one of the foundational documents of constitutional law. It limited the powers of the monarchy and established principles such as the rule of law and individual rights.
- Picture: [insert picture of the Magna Carta]

2. Mayflower Compact
- Date: November 11, 1620
- Why it is influential: The Mayflower Compact was the first governing document of Plymouth Colony, signed by Pilgrims aboard the ship Mayflower. It established a form of self-government based on democratic principles, laying the groundwork for future democratic practices in American history.
- Picture: [insert picture representing the Mayflower]

3. English Bill of Rights
- Date: February 13, 1689
- Why it is influential: The English Bill of Rights solidified the rights of individual citizens and limited the powers of the monarchy even further. It formed the basis for many democratic principles, including freedom of speech, fair trials, and protection from cruel and unusual punishment.
- Picture: [insert picture representing the rights of individuals]

4. Common Sense
- Date: January 10, 1776
- Why it is influential: Common Sense was a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine, advocating American independence from British rule. It played a significant role in uniting the American colonists and inspiring them to break ties with the British Empire, ultimately leading to the American Revolution.
- Picture: [insert picture representing the American Revolution]

Note: As an AI text-based model, I am unable to create or insert actual images. Please feel free to search for appropriate visuals to accompany each of the mentioned documents.

Here is an illustrated timeline of the four influential documents:

1. Magna Carta:
Date: June 15, 1215
Influence: The Magna Carta is significant because it established the principle that even a monarch must be subject to the law. It limited the power of the king, protected the rights of the nobility, and provided the foundation for the concept of individual rights and due process.
Picture: [Insert picture of the Magna Carta]

2. Mayflower Compact:
Date: November 11, 1620
Influence: The Mayflower Compact was an important step toward self-government in the English colonies. It was a legal contract signed by the Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower, which established a framework for governing the Plymouth Colony based on consent of the governed.
Picture: [Insert picture of the Mayflower Compact]

3. English Bill of Rights:
Date: December 16, 1689
Influence: The English Bill of Rights was a document that listed the rights and liberties of the English people while also setting clear limits on the monarch's power. It laid the foundation for constitutional monarchy, protecting individual freedoms and limiting arbitrary rule.
Picture: [Insert picture of the English Bill of Rights]

4. Common Sense:
Date: January 10, 1776
Influence: Common Sense was a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine, which advocated for American independence from Great Britain. It swayed public opinion and played a significant role in inspiring the American Revolution. It called for self-governance and challenged the authority of monarchy.
Picture: [Insert picture of the cover of Common Sense]

Note: Since I am an AI text-based bot, I cannot provide actual pictures. However, you can easily find pictures of these documents by searching for their titles online.