Welcome to planet earth, tiny human. It is your job to build a place for

you to live. Follow the instructions below to make sure you have a
suitable place for survival. Good luck!
You are going to be creating a visual island that represents things that are important to you in
your life. These important things will be incorporated into real physical landforms on your island.
EVERY part of your island should represent YOU!
Click HERE to find a list of possible landforms you can use to represent these parts of your life.
Your island (to be sustainable) must include the following features:
1. At least 10 physical landforms and how they can be connected to your life
2. Compass
3. Legend
4. Title
Take your time! And be creative!
If you need some ideas to draw about… think of some of the following things:

- Hobbies or activities that you enjoy

- Places you have traveled to or want to visit
- People who are important to you
- Achievements or goals you have set
- Values or beliefs that are meaningful to you
- Memories that hold significance
- Inspirational quotes or symbols
- Personal challenges or obstacles you have faced
- Things that bring you joy or make you happy

1. Your hobbies and interests

2. Your family and friends
3. Your favorite places to visit
4. Your dreams and aspirations
5. Memorable experiences or events in your life
6. Beliefs or values that are important to you
7. Symbols or imagery that represent your culture or heritage
8. Goals or achievements you have accomplished
9. Things that bring you joy or make you happy
10. Personal mottos or quotes that inspire you.