Although some studies suggested the presence of water on Mars, the planet represents a hostile environment for human habitation. Scientists are currently researching ways to support potential human colonies on the Red Planet. Scientists have created closed ecosystem models that allow them to control factors such as moisture and temperature. In some of these closed ecosystems, plant growth experiments are being run using simulated Mars soil made of volcanic rocks from Earth.

Given this information, in three to five sentences, describe one (nonplant) organism that could contribute to an important ecosystem service for this system and describe one ecosystem service that you benefit from due to your local ecosystem that is probably not available on Mars.
//////////////////pls help me and shut it psy dag un less you are going to tell me the answer i dont no it

I’m waiting for an answer. Hurry up

lmfao this is anarchy

this is anarchy (It didnt send first time :I)


omgg i need the answers


1. Although some studies suggested the presence of water on Mars, the planet represents a hostile environment for human habitation. Scientists are currently researching ways to support potential human colonies on the Red Planet. Scientists have created closed ecosystem models that allow them to control factors such as moisture and temperature. In some of these closed ecosystems, plant growth experiments are being run using simulated Mars soil made of volcanic rocks from Earth.

Given this information, in three to five sentences, describe one (nonplant) organism that could contribute to an important ecosystem service for this system and describe one ecosystem service that you benefit from due to your local ecosystem that is probably not available on Mars.

One nonplant organism that could contribute to an important ecosystem service for Mars colonization is the bee. Bees are important pollinators and could help facilitate plant growth in closed ecosystems. However, the harsh environment on Mars would likely pose challenges to bee survival and reproduction.

One ecosystem service that I benefit from in my local ecosystem but is unlikely to be available on Mars is the provision of fresh water from natural sources such as rivers, lakes, and groundwater. Mars has no liquid water on its surface, so any water used by human colonies would have to be artificially produced or brought from Earth.

In a closed ecosystem model on Mars, one non-plant organism that could contribute to an important ecosystem service is a nitrogen-fixing bacteria. These bacteria have the ability to convert atmospheric nitrogen into a usable form (ammonia) for plants to uptake and utilize for growth. This would be crucial in providing a sustainable nitrogen source for the plants and maintaining their health in the simulated Martian soil.

On Earth, a local ecosystem service that we benefit from but would probably not be available on Mars is pollination by insects. Insects, such as bees and butterflies, play a vital role in the pollination of flowering plants, which contributes to the reproduction of these plants and the production of fruits, vegetables, and seeds. Pollination also helps in maintaining biodiversity and the overall stability of terrestrial ecosystems, which in turn provide various resources and services that support human life. However, on Mars where the environment is hostile and lacks a diverse ecosystem, the presence of insects and the service of pollination would be absent.