Complete a bar graph of your classroom averages. Use the checklist below to make sure you’re following the graphing rules.

Overall Graph Title
X-Axis Title
Y-Axis Title with units
Label each bar
Write the bar values

Create a graph title by penny graphing

Classroom Averages Bar Graph

X-Axis Title: Subjects
Y-Axis Title: Average Grades (%)

Bar 1: Math
Amount: 85%

Bar 2: English
Amount: 90%

Bar 3: Science
Amount: 88%

Bar 4: History
Amount: 92%

Bar 5: Art
Amount: 80%

Bar 6: Physical Education
Amount: 95%

To create a bar graph of the classroom averages, you will need the following information:

1. Overall Graph Title: This should summarize the main purpose or theme of the graph. Since we are graphing classroom averages, a suitable title could be "Classroom Averages by Subject."

2. X-Axis Title: The X-axis represents the categories or variables being compared. In this case, the X-axis could represent the subjects studied in the classroom, such as Math, Science, English, History, etc. So, the X-axis title could be "Subjects."

3. Y-Axis Title with units: The Y-axis represents the numerical values being measured. Since we are graphing averages, the Y-axis title could be "Average Grades." The units in this case could be grades (e.g., A, B, C, etc.).

4. Label each bar: Each bar in the bar graph should be labeled to indicate which subject it represents. So, label each bar with the corresponding subject name (e.g., Math, Science, etc.).

5. Write the bar values: To accurately represent the classroom averages, assign a numerical value to each bar. For example, if the average grade for Math is 85, Science is 90, English is 80, and History is 75, the bar values should correspond to these respective averages.

Once you have all the necessary information, you can proceed to create the bar graph, keeping in mind the checklist provided above.