Delia is entering the workforce in 2018 and is interested in a career in health sciences. While she has several career options in mind, she wants to pursue a job that is in high demand and is expected to grow quickly in the coming years. What specific job would fit what Delia is looking for?


a) health care administrator

b) home health aide

c) medical illustrator

d) phlebotomist

Based on the information provided, the specific job that would fit what Delia is looking for, a job that is in high demand and is expected to grow quickly in the coming years, would be:

a) health care administrator.

To determine which specific job would fit what Delia is looking for, let's examine the options given:

a) Health care administrator: This job involves managing and coordinating healthcare services in various settings. While it plays a crucial role in the healthcare system, it may not be the job that is expected to grow quickly in the coming years.

b) Home health aide: This job involves providing assistance to individuals with disabilities or chronic illnesses who live in their own homes. With the increasing population of older adults, the demand for home health aides is expected to grow rapidly. Thus, this could be a potential option for Delia.

c) Medical illustrator: This job involves creating visual representations of medical information, such as illustrations for textbooks or educational materials. While it is a niche field, it may not be in high demand or expected to grow quickly compared to other healthcare professions.

d) Phlebotomist: This job involves drawing blood from patients for medical testing or donations. Phlebotomists are in demand at various healthcare facilities, including hospitals, laboratories, and blood banks. It is a job that is expected to see solid growth in the coming years due to the increasing need for diagnostic testing.

Considering the provided options, the job that fits what Delia is looking for, in terms of high demand and expected growth in the coming years, is "d) phlebotomist."