When you gain awareness, knowledge, and build health skills, you are increasing your

A. Health literacy
B. Healt triangle
C. Risky behavior
D. Hereditary traits

A. Health literacy

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A. Health literacy

The correct answer is A. Health literacy.

When you gain awareness, knowledge, and build health skills, you are increasing your health literacy. Health literacy refers to the ability to understand and interpret health information, make informed decisions, and effectively communicate about health-related matters. It includes both individual and societal-level skills and knowledge related to health.

To determine the correct answer, you can break down the question and analyze each option:

A. Health literacy: This option relates directly to gaining awareness, knowledge, and building health skills. It aligns with the concept described in the question.
B. Health triangle: The health triangle is a visual representation of the three components of overall health: physical, mental/emotional, and social. While gaining awareness, knowledge, and building health skills may contribute to overall health, it does not specifically relate to the health triangle concept.
C. Risky behavior: Gaining awareness, knowledge, and building health skills would typically reduce risky behavior, not increase it. Therefore, this option is not the correct answer.
D. Hereditary traits: Hereditary traits refer to genetic traits passed down from parents to offspring. While gaining awareness and knowledge can help understand potential health risks associated with hereditary traits, it does not directly increase them.

By analyzing each option and understanding the meaning of the terms, we can determine that the correct answer is A. Health literacy.