13. The Celsius to Fahrenheit formula: F=95C+32

Solve this formula for C. Check all answers that are true.

(4 points)

First step is to multiply by 9 on each side.
First step is to multiply by 9 on each side.

First step is to add 32 to both sides.
First step is to add 32 to both sides.

The next step from F - 32 = 9/5 C, could be to multiply both sides by 5
The next step from F - 32 = 9/5 C, could be to multiply both sides by 5

The next step from F - 32 = 9/5 C, could be to divide both sides by 5
The next step from F - 32 = 9/5 C, could be to divide both sides by 5

Solution: 5/9F - 32 = C
Solution: 5/9F - 32 = C

To solve this equation for C, you would have to distribute at some point.

First step is to multiply by 9 on each side.

So the correct response is: The next step from F - 32 = (9/5)C, could be to multiply both sides by 5

To solve the Celsius to Fahrenheit formula F=95C+32 for C, the following steps can be taken:

1. Start with the formula F=95C+32.

2. Subtract 32 from both sides of the equation to isolate 95C: F - 32 = 95C.

3. The next step could be to divide both sides of the equation by 95 to solve for C: (F - 32) / 95 = C.

Therefore, the true answer is: (F - 32) / 95 = C.