The Celsius to Fahrenheit formula: F=95C+32

Solve this formula for C. Check all answers that are true.

(2 points)

To solve this equation for C, you would have to distribute at some point.

First step is to multiply by 9 on each side.

First step is to add 32 to both sides.

Solution: 5/9F - 32 = C

The next step from F - 32 = 9/5 C, could be to multiply both sides by 5

Based on the given equation F=95C+32, to solve for C, the correct steps are:

1. Subtract 32 from both sides: F - 32 = 95C
2. Divide both sides by 95: (F - 32) / 95 = C

Therefore, the correct answer is "The next step from F - 32 = 9/5 C could be to divide both sides by 95."

To solve the given formula F = 95C + 32 for C, follow these steps:

1. First step is to subtract 32 from both sides of the equation:
F - 32 = 95C

2. Next step is to divide both sides by 95:
(F - 32) / 95 = C

Therefore, the solution for C is (F - 32) / 95.

Checking the answers:

- Distributing is not required in this case.
- Multiplying by 9 on each side is not necessary for solving the equation.
- Adding 32 to both sides is the correct first step.
- The solution 5/9F - 32 = C is not correct, as it is missing the division by 95.
- Multiplying both sides by 5 is not needed in this solution.

Therefore, the correct answer is: Solution: (F - 32) / 95 = C