Which statement is evidence of different communities using empirical knowledge in different ways?(1 point)


Community A funds a program for home solar panels and community B builds a solar farm.
Community A funds a program for home solar panels and community B builds a solar farm.

Communities fund research based on the specific needs and interests of that area.
Communities fund research based on the specific needs and interests of that area.

Communities consider a wide range of solutions to their specific problems.
Communities consider a wide range of solutions to their specific problems.

Community A uses

empirical data on energy consumption to develop energy efficiency programs, while community B uses empirical data on renewable energy potential to develop renewable energy projects.

Which statement is evidence of different communities using empirical knowledge in different ways?(1 point)


Community A funds a program for home solar panels and community B builds a solar farm.
Community A funds a program for home solar panels and community B builds a solar farm.

Communities fund research based on the specific needs and interests of that area.
Communities fund research based on the specific needs and interests of that area.

Communities consider a wide range of solutions to their specific problems.
Communities consider a wide range of solutions to their specific problems.

Community A uses solar panels for electricity generation and community B uses wind turbines.

Community A uses solar panels for electricity generation and community B uses wind turbines.

In three to five sentences, explain what evidence you can use to distinguish between science and pseudoscience.

To distinguish between science and pseudoscience, one can look for several key pieces of evidence. Firstly, scientific claims are supported by empirical evidence obtained through rigorous experimentation and observation, whereas pseudoscientific claims often lack substantial evidence or rely on anecdotal experiences. Additionally, scientific theories must be falsifiable, meaning they can be tested and potentially proven wrong, while pseudoscience often lacks testability. The presence of peer-reviewed publications and scientific consensus is also a strong indicator of scientific validity, whereas pseudoscientific claims often lack such support. Lastly, adherence to the scientific method, which includes forming hypotheses, conducting experiments, and analyzing data objectively, is a crucial aspect of science, while pseudoscience often disregards or misinterprets this methodology.

Science addresses questions that can be answered through results of experiments that are observable and measurable. Its answers are reproducible when tested in the natural world.

Use one to two sentences to explain what is inferred from the paragraph

From the paragraph, it can be inferred that science relies on empirical evidence, experimentation, and observation to answer questions in a reproducible and measurable manner.

In one two two sentences, explain how context is assessed when researching a scientific topic

When researching a scientific topic, context is assessed by considering factors such as the existing body of knowledge, relevant theories, experimental design, and the broader scientific community's perspective. It also involves evaluating the reliability and credibility of the sources, the methodology used, and the potential biases or limitations that may affect the interpretation of the findings.

In one to two sentences, describe how a scientific inference is derived from an observation