An ________________________ is a situation where two or more people, __________________, _____________________, or ________________ have an effect or ______________________ on one another. (p 2)

Writers use organization and ____________________ _______________ to show various kinds of interactions and connections. (p 2)
______________________ words indicate in what way one things affects or is affected by another. (p 2)

An interaction is a situation where two or more people, objects, events, or ideas have an effect or influence on one another. (p 2)

Writers use organization and transitional words to show various kinds of interactions and connections. (p 2)
Transitional words indicate in what way one thing affects or is affected by another. (p 2)

An interaction is a situation where two or more people, objects, events, or ideas have an effect or influence on one another. To understand the concept of interaction, you can look up the definition in a dictionary or explore related articles or books on the subject.

Writers use organization and specific words to show various kinds of interactions and connections in their work. To analyze how writers portray interactions, you can start by examining the organization of their ideas and the language they use to describe relationships between characters, events, or concepts. This may involve studying the structure of their sentences, the use of transitional words, or the overall flow of their writing.

Furthermore, certain words indicate in what way one thing affects or is affected by another. These words are often referred to as "transition words" or "linking words." Examples of such words include "therefore," "consequently," "because," "as a result," "in addition," "similarly," and many more. By paying attention to these words in a text, you can identify and understand the interactions between the different elements presented by the writer.

An interaction is a situation where two or more people, objects, events, or ideas have an effect or influence on one another. (p 2)

Writers use organization and choice of words to show various kinds of interactions and connections. (p 2)
Transitional words indicate in what way one thing affects or is affected by another. (p 2)